A Comparison of Kajabi Plans: Basic vs. the NEW Kickstarter Plan

tech May 13, 2024
Kajabi plan



Today, we're going to be talking about a very exciting new plan that Kajabi just dropped: The Kickstarter Plan!

I got the email in my inbox last night about it, and I immediately jumped on Instagram to share, then created a couple of automations so that you can DM me and get the link easily.

But before we get into that…what IS the Kickstarter plan?



What is the Kickstarter Kajabi Plan?

This new Kickstarter Kajabi plan has one majorly exciting feature: it’s only $69 a month.

I use Kajabi in both my bookkeeping business and my coaching business, so when I tell you that price is absolutely mind-blowing, I mean it. Until now, the lowest-tier plan was $149 if you paid it monthly; $119 per month if you paid it annually. And I have always thought that that was worth its weight in gold, so for this one to be so cheap is insane.

So today I’m going to go over the differences between this plan and the Basic plan I’m on, how I would utilize the Kickstarter features, and why I would definitely utilize this quickly.

I don't know how long they're going to keep this plan around. They're not saying that it's just a short plan, but it’s so insanely cheap I can’t imagine it stays for long.

One thing I do know, though, is that if you get on a plan, you get grandfathered in until you make changes on it. So if you were to get this plan and keep it active and then decide you don't want it anymore, then you would lose it. But if you kept it, you would get grandfathered into that price for life, even if they got rid of this plan.

I’m on the Basic plan. So if I pay 149 dollars a month, every month, for this software, then I want it to do one of two things for me: I want it to either make me more than 150 dollars, or save me more than that in time.

For me, $150 is about an hour and a half of time. And as a busy mom, or somebody who's working another job, or somebody who just can't stand wasting their time, I think it's worth it to buy your time back over and over.

This Kickstarter Kajabi plan is amazing because it’s for the person who's just getting started. So while the value in the next-tier plan is always worth it,  this is a great way to get yourself started and get used to Kajabi before you outgrow this plan…which is the goal, by the way. You will likely outgrow this plan. But for those just beginning their business, it’s the perfect Kajabi plan to start on.

Long story short, Kajabi plans can provide you with unlimited options. Kajai serves as my email marketer, my website, and my blog host. It's how you get paid. It's how you offer freebies. It's how you get people to your email list, create an email list, sell a package, and sell your digital products with ease. And then from there, the possibilities are infinite. I’ve hacked it a million different ways. (And if you sign up to receive my free “Automate Your Admin Tasks” workshop, I’ll teach you how to hack it, too!)


Basic vs. Kickstarter Kajabi Plans

Here’s how the Kickstarter Kajabi plan holds up next to the Basic Kajabi plan:


0% Transaction Fees with Kajabi Payments

Kickstarter Plan: Yes

Basic Plan: Yes


Landing Pages

Kickstarter Plan: 50

Basic Plan: Unlimited


Marketing Emails

Kickstarter Plan: 1,250

Basic Plan: Unlimited


Products (Courses, Templates, Etc)

Kickstarter Plan: 1

Basic Plan: 3



Kickstarter Plan: 1

Basic Plan: 3



Kickstarter Plan: 250

Basic Plan: 10,000


Active Customers

Kickstarter Plan: 50

Basic Plan: 1,000



Kickstarter Plan: 1

Basic Plan: 1



The Details

Let me break these details down for you:

On the Kickstarter plan, you have 50 landing pages. On the Basic plan, you have unlimited. 50 is very generous, especially when they’re all additional landing pages that you can have beyond your standard website.

When it comes to marketing emails, I am not sure if that's in total or per month. You can look into that, but either way, that is a lot of marketing emails, because you're not going to be emailing your clients through those emails. You're going to be blasting email marketing.

Those numbers are also per email, not per recipient.

You have one product on the Kickstarter Kajabi plan and three on the Basic Kajabi plan. That’s actually how I sell my DIY templates; I host them in a product because I can then put up a demo video, sidebar things to upsell them or have them get a quote, and I can put downloads and instructions and things like that in. So for those who are just starting out, I think one product is pretty good.

Next up are the funnels: you get one in the Kickstarter, three in the Basic. I don't use funnels at all, so you don’t have to worry about that.

On the Kickstarter Kajabi plan, you have 250 contacts. On the Basic Kajabi plan, you have 10,000. This is there area where I could see you phasing out, but again, by this point, your business will be pretty established.

If you have 250 contacts, those would be people that filled out a form and opted into something, so they're either on your email list or purchased something. So 250 would be pretty substantial.

As far as active customers, you can have 50 active customers on the Kickstarter plan, whereas you can have 1,000 on the Basic plan. Again, I'm not exactly sure what active customers are, but 50 would still be substantial. You'd have at least 50 people purchasing from you at that point, and in a bookkeeping business, that would be substantial.

And then on each of these Kajabi plans, you have one website. You’ll connect your domain, so it’s not just one page—it’s one website, which means there’s a bunch of different pages that you can have.



Speaking of pages, one of the things that I noticed about people getting started on Kajabi was that they were struggling with tech overwhelm.

I stepped in and wiped that away for you by having a Kajabi web designer create a custom template pack just for bookkeepers on Kajabi. We sell this whole amazing bundle, and you can see it showcased in the free Automate Your Admin Tasks workshop.

With this template pack, you can download it, make your customized changes to the fonts, colors, words, and images, and still have this whole framework specifically designed for bookkeepers.

That template pack is only $497. If you already have Kajabi using someone else's code, you can still buy it, and it's worth its weight in gold. But if you use my code to get your Kajabi trial, then you unlock a few bonuses from me…one of which is a $100 discount off of that template pack.

You'll also get 30 percent off of my Digital Products Workshop, which is a two-hour on-demand workshop that I sell on my site. It shows you my best tips and tricks for creating, selling, and delivering digital products as a companion to your bookkeeping business. Kajabi is the tool that I use to make that possible, so you can see a lot of ways to utilize these Kajabi plans in there.

The third bonus that you'll unlock is access to my Kajabi workshops for free. That's a four-part series that helps you walk through creating your website and learning how to get it all structured. And after that, you’ll be ready to roll!



Get On This Kajabi Plan…FAST

I strongly advise taking advantage of this offer while it lasts! Just DM me either “69” or the word “Kajabi,” and I'll send you the link. Once I send you that link for the 14-day free trial, you will get another DM that gets you to that Automate Your Admin Tasks workshop, so it's all streamlined for you!

You can also access these links below if you prefer, but however you do it, do it quickly!



Sign up for your 14-day trial of the $69/month Kickstarter Plan: https://app.kajabi.com/r/K2WSUjRh/t/sbewaj44 

Ready to save yourself time—and therefore, increase your profits—by automating your admin tasks? Get access to my FREE workshop now: www.katieferro.com/automate

Learn how to take your bookkeeping skills and turn them into a business that allows you to replace (or surpass) your corporate salary, be present for your life, and profoundly impact your clients without selling your life in the process by joining Life by the Books (LIBBY).  

Need to boost your bookkeeping basics? Join BABs now: https://www.katieferro.com/become 

Want a peek behind the curtain into LIBBY, my program is all about what it really takes to have a simple and scalable (and successful) bookkeeping business? Get access to my free, on-demand four-part series, 6 Secrets to a Simple, Scalable Bookkeeping Business: www.katieferro.com/6-secrets 



Website: https://www.katieferro.com/

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