Become a Bookkeeper: A Revamp Update

for bookkeepers Sep 30, 2024



Hi, friends!

I’m just popping in to give a quick update on how things are going with the Become a Bookkeeper revamp…and explain why you haven’t seen a launch date appear yet.

In case you aren’t familiar, Become a Bookkeeper is my self-paced program that teaches you the skill of bookkeeping so you can then take that skill and…well, become a bookkeeper! The intention behind it is to help you start your own bookkeeping business.

Become a Bookkeeper is for you whether you have no experience with bookkeeping and accounting, some accounting experience, no formal education, some formal education…you could even be an experienced CPA.

No matter what, the goal here is for you to understand bookkeeping from the lens of someone who will do bookkeeping for others. Become a Bookkeeper is here to make sure you know what you should know, to teach you how to work efficiently and ethically, and to tell you what to avoid.

Why the focus on efficiency and ethics? Because this isn't just about making money. Become a Bookkeeper is about being able to live your life because of your career, not in spite of it, and supporting that life through the money that a profitable and impactful business gives you.



If Become a Bookkeeper is so Amazing…Why the Revamp?

By now, Become a Bookkeeper has been around since the end of 2020 in one form or another. It is a really great program with over 300 students that have gone through it at this point. It still continues to sell, even though I've been talking about revamping it for about a year.

Rest assured, it is a really good program that still delivers incredible results. If you're looking to start a bookkeeping business, you don't need to delay. You can get it today. When we do have this revamp done, if you have access to the program already, you're going to get access to the updates as well. So no worries about FOMO there!

Actually, it's better to get it now than to wait…not only because you will receive both the revamped version and the original, which offers you more content for your money, but you’ll receive it at its current price point, which—as a heads up—isn’t going to stay where it is much longer.

So yes, it’s a great program. But there are reasons that I wanted to redo it, even though everybody raves about it.

This program is my baby. And because I know there are some pieces of it where I have learned better ways to do things or explain things since I created it, I want to go back in and spruce those pieces up.

Not only that, but technology has updated since I created this program four years ago, as is the nature of technology. I want that to stay up-to-date, too.

So even though everything that I teach in BABs still works, there are better ways that it could be demonstrated. There are better ways it could be explained. Add in the fact that the software has changed just enough that it now feels outdated, and it was time for a revamp.

However, because it's not broken (far from it), it doesn't need to be changed in a rush. So revamping Become a Bookkeeper has not been a rushed process. In fact, there actually is no timeline.



Why No Rush?

I'm not rushing the creation of this for a couple reasons.

Firstly, the process has been really meticulous because I want it to be done well.

I don't force myself to review. I don't force myself to create. If my brain is not at a hundred percent, I'm not doing any work on this, because I'm afraid I'll miss something. And if I miss something, the program will drop in quality.

But the biggest reason this revamp is taking time is because there are two things I simply won’t sacrifice for coaching: my bookkeeping business and my motherhood.

I won't sacrifice my bookkeeping business for my coaching business. They have to be able to work in tandem. If I'm going to prioritize one over the other, it's going to be the bookkeeping business.

That just makes sense. Bookkeeping is the long-term, stable, easier thing than coaching. And beyond that…how could I teach you to build a bookkeeping business if I didn't value and honor and prioritize my own?

The bookkeeping business is the reason the coaching business exists. I'm a good coach because I run my bookkeeping business well. I will not stall the growth of my bookkeeping business to teach bookkeepers.

Now, I can do both. But to do both, I have to be patient with the timeline as I shift things on the coaching side. And that's why Become a Bookkeeper has continued to drag out, because if I have a day where I'm onboarding or training in my bookkeeping business, that's going to take priority over Become a Bookkeeper.

The other thing that I simply won't sacrifice is my motherhood. That's the reason I love my bookkeeping business in the first place. That's why I help others start their own bookkeeping businesses: I want you to be able to prioritize your life.

My life was prioritized in the building and the growth of my bookkeeping business. I will not go back on that to teach you how to honor your life. Like, how does that work? I can't do that. I'd be out of integrity. I’d be a terrible role model if I was saying one thing and doing another.

And again…I don't believe I have to. I believe that—just like I’m always telling you all about going through the growth and stages of your business—it is okay for it to take the time that it takes.

The number one thing to focus on is prioritizing yourself and your life, but also your work.

So I could rush this revamp in order to get the product out…or I could say no, the number-one priority is not the speed at which it's delivered. The number-one priority is the quality of it.



So that's what I’m focusing on as we revamp BABs. And yes, that means it’s taking its time…but that’s only going to result in a better final product.

I can’t fit all the details in here. But for a full-scope explanation of what’s changing in BABs, how we’re getting it done, and whether or not I’ll be running a sale on it, head over to your favorite podcast platform and listen to Episode 195 of Profits + Prosecco!



Need to boost your bookkeeping basics—and want to get in on the goodness before the price goes up? Join BABs now:

Want a peek behind the curtain into LIBBY, my program all about what it really takes to have a simple and scalable (and successful) bookkeeping business? Get access to my free, on-demand four-part series, 6 Secrets to a Simple, Scalable Bookkeeping Business:

Learn how to take your bookkeeping skills and turn them into a business that allows you to replace (or surpass) your corporate salary, be present for your life, and profoundly impact your clients without selling your life in the process by joining Life by the Books (LIBBY).  




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