How My Bookkeeping Programs Can Help You Overcome the Worst-Case Scenario

for bookkeepers Jul 15, 2024
worst-case scenario



In the last episode of Profits + Prosecco (Episode 183!), we did a very powerful exercise where we talked about fears, their worst-case scenarios, and how to overcome them. If you didn't get a chance to listen to that episode, you definitely want to go back and listen…and I don’t say that lightly. Don’t listen to this week’s episode—or any other episodes—until you go and listen to that one.

It's a really, really, really good episode, and it will help you overcome that fear of failure in your personal life as well as in your business.

In that episode, we ran through a few different fears and then their worst-case scenarios, followed them through to their conclusion, and went on to identify the next step after “failure.” But as I was going through the exercise, I couldn't help but notice that most of the solutions we identified can be achieved through something available in my product suite!

So if you’ve found that you need support, you need education, you need ideas, you need to try something new, etcetera…then there's a very good chance that one of the products that I offer could be the right fit for you.

I’m going to go through a handful of these scenarios one more time, but this time, we’re going to walk through which of my programs will best help you if you’re struggling with one of these scenarios…



A Guide to My Programs and Subscriptions

Tech Talks

Tech Talks are ninety-minute, in-depth conversations where you can submit questions about bookkeeping and the technology used to get the work done. People submit questions in advance, and then we take it topic by topic. We record them individually and upload them to a vault, where you can search and find the replays for over a year. You receive access to Tech Talks if you’re an active member of LIBBY, but you can also purchase a monthly subscription to Tech Talks separately.


BABs (Become a Bookkeeper)

BABs is my self-paced course that walks you through the entire bookkeeping process. While BABs covers a lot of things that come up in Tech Talks, BABs is definitely more robust and comprehensive. You learn these things in a way that makes logical sense, and you learn them in a way that reinforces learning.


LIBBY (Life by the Books)

Life by the Books is my coaching program where I take your rock-solid skills in bookkeeping, which you have learned in BABs or elsewhere, and I help you grow them into a business.


The Best Solutions For The Worst-Case Scenarios

If You’ve Made Major Mistakes…

If you’re living the worst-case scenario that you've made significant errors that affected your clients and your reputation, you might decide to take this as a learning opportunity and invest in additional training and certifications to improve your skills. You might hire a mentor or consultant to help guide you through the complex cases until you regain your confidence. You might even reach back out to your clients, own up to your mistakes, and offer to make things right, demonstrating your commitment to improvement and transparency.

In this case, you would be best suited by pushing forward with the support in LIBBY, and/or the information in Tech Talks.


If You’re Being Criticized…

If a big fear of yours is being criticized and talked about by other people, then the worst-case scenario is that people do criticize you, and you feel disheartened. But now you'll focus on surrounding yourself with supportive individuals who believe in you. You'll join a community of entrepreneurs who understand the risks and challenges of starting a business. You'll remind yourself that their judgment doesn't define your worth or potential.

And if you're looking for a community of entrepreneurs who understand the risks and challenges of starting a business, specifically a bookkeeping business, because you're faced with criticism and people talking bad about you in other areas of your life…well, that would be LIBBY!

That's what we do in LIBBY: we support each other. We're passionate about the same things. We offer advice and support and a corner of the world where you can go to be heard and understood.


If You’ve Burned Out…

If you started your own business, but you burned out and your personal life suffered, your next step is to prioritize your health and set boundaries to maintain a work-life balance. You'll delegate tasks and hire help to manage the workload if needed. You'll schedule regular breaks and time off to recharge. You'll adopt stress management techniques like mindfulness and exercise to prevent future burnout.

This is LIBBY all the way. In LIBBY, I am constantly reminding you to work smarter and to live more deeply. That’s the way I built my own business, and it’s the way I help you build yours, too!

In LIBBY, we talk about how to delegate tasks, how to hire help, how to streamline your processes and save yourself time, and how to get organized so that you can avoid burnout.



If You’ve Been Rejected + Discouraged…

So you’ve faced constant rejection, and now you feel discouraged. Now what?

You'll refine your pitch and marketing strategy based on the feedback that you’ve received. You'll reach out to a mentor for advice on how to better approach potential clients. You'll remind yourself that rejection is part of the process and doesn't reflect your overall worth.

Again, you'll celebrate small wins and keep pushing forward. Knowing that persistence is key.

This is another thing we do in LIBBY. We talk about your sales calls. We talk about them on coaching calls. As long as you're willing to come and share, we'll talk about the things that came up for you, the things that you weren't prepared for, how you can do things differently, and we'll figure out why you're hearing “No” so often in order to flip that and start hearing “Yes.”


If You’re Falling Behind…

If you’ve fallen behind on technology and you’ve lost clients because of it, you'll now want to dedicate time to learning new software and staying updated with industry trends. You'll attend webinars, workshops, and join forums to improve your tech skills. You'll consider hiring tech support or collaborating with tech-savvy individuals to enhance your service offerings.

This is a huge part of what we do both in BABs and in the Tech Talks. In BABs, we cover the overall idea of bookkeeping in depth, but bookkeeping is an industry where things are always going to be changing and coming up. That’s where the Tech Talks come in!


If You’ve Self-Doubted Your Way Into Self-Sabotage…

If your self-doubt had led to poor decisions and self-sabotage, your next step could be seeking therapy or coaching to address your imposter syndrome. You can focus on your achievements and strengths to rebuild confidence. You'll connect with other business owners and share experiences and realize that many feel the same way. You'll set small, achievable goals to gradually build your self-belief.

Again, this is all LIBBY. We are all about addressing imposter syndrome and supporting each other in moments of doubt.



Take the Step!

If these fears have been holding you back, I hope you can now see that even if the worst-case scenario comes true…it isn’t the end of the world. We’ve not only walked through the scenarios from fear to worst-case outcome to solution, but I’ve also given you places you can go in order to access those solutions!

With the decisions you make about starting a bookkeeping business, you only have one question you should be asking: “Does this thing get me closer or farther away from my goal?”

Once you've looked at the worst-case scenario and realized that you can handle it, then the question just becomes, “Is this step going to get me closer to or farther away from the life that I want to live?” And it all becomes pretty easy from there.



Want a peek behind the curtain into LIBBY, my program all about what it really takes to have a simple and scalable (and successful) bookkeeping business? Get access to my free, on-demand four-part series, 6 Secrets to a Simple, Scalable Bookkeeping Business:

Learn how to take your bookkeeping skills and turn them into a business that allows you to replace (or surpass) your corporate salary, be present for your life, and profoundly impact your clients without selling your life in the process by joining Life by the Books (LIBBY).  

Need to boost your bookkeeping basics? Join BABs now:




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