Positive Potential: A Conversation with LIBBY Member Kristina Hind

for bookkeepers libby Aug 05, 2024
bookkeeping business



If you’ve been thinking about starting a bookkeeping business, discovered my program LIBBY, and have been thinking, “Wow, this seems amazing…but would I actually use all of these tools? Are they going to have value for me?” then I have good news…

I have LIBBY member Kristina Hind on with me today to talk about that exact thing!

Not everyone in LIBBY can attend every coaching call. Not everyone in LIBBY uses EVERY tool LIBBY offers for starting a bookkeeping business…but everyone in LIBBY gets what they need from it. There is value in it no matter which pieces you need, and Kristina’s journey is the proof!



Meet Kristina!

Katie: So first, tell us a little bit about yourself! What led you to starting a bookkeeping business in the first place?

Kristina: So, I am a CPA. I had a very similar journey to starting a bookkeeping business that you had, actually; I graduated with my master's in taxation, then I followed all the rules and went into public accounting. I started in auditing, got a lot of experience in public accounting, did a few different things, and in my last role in the corporate life, I was a manager at a health system here in New York.

At that position, I made the decision to leave and work part-time because I was done with all the corporate politics. I was actually thinking about going back to school at the time and becoming a nurse, believe it or not.

Then I found out I was pregnant with my son two weeks after I quit my job. And as time passed, I somehow found you while scrolling on Instagram. I had always thought about bookkeeping, but in accounting, you're taught that bookkeeping is the low man on the totem pole.  I didn’t think you could make money doing that. Then I found you!

I listened to your podcast for about a year without making a move toward starting a bookkeeping business. But I just resonated with your story so much that I knew if anyone was going to be able to coach me through this change, it was going to be you. I purchased BABs, built my confidence, and left knowing that I had a good grasp on my skills…but I also knew I would need help with marketing when starting a bookkeeping business. So that was when I knew I was ready to do LIBBY.


What LIBBY Teaches

Katie: Where do you see things you’ve learned on the way to starting a bookkeeping business bleeding into your personal life?

Kristina: The journey of business ownership has given me so much more than just owning a business. It’s even shifted how I look at anxiety-inducing things like change; I’ll be talking to friends and family about whatever might be going on in their lives, giving them feedback or advice, and the way I would have approached something in the past versus now is totally different.

For example, a friend of mine has been stressing about her job, because they’re talking about a big merger. She’s nervous about what that could mean for her, which makes sense.

But I was able to listen to her and then say, “Well, yeah, it's going to be change…but what if it's good change? What if it's something that  you're going to love more than what you have now?”

That’s something I've learned just from being in LIBBY and listening to your coaching calls. Those things have really compounded to make a huge impact on how I think about things.

I'm still in LIBBY, and I've used just about everything in there. But I definitely have taken advantage of the Share module the most. That’s the module that teaches you how to attract clients.

The trainings on engaging and using Facebook have been invaluable. I actually got rid of my Facebook a while ago and then created a new one just so I could start engaging through Facebook, and that that actually led to a lead that came in today.

I’ve dipped my toes in all the tools you suggest, like IG live trainings I then turn into reels, trainings for a local university, etcetera.

Beyond that, I’ve also used the Sell module a lot. When I first started doing sales calls, I was so nervous. I didn't feel that confident. But using what we learned in LIBBY, once I got my first couple of clients, my confidence started to increase. Now I get on sales calls and I'm excited to have them. I’m excited to talk to these potential clients, and I feel like they're excited because I'm excited. And I haven't not closed a sales call since then.



If You Can’t Attend Live…

Katie: What is your utilization of other components of LIBBY?

Kristina: If I had to give them percentages, I’m probably 90% in the coaching call replays. I don't even attend the calls live, because I know I can listen to them later on when I’m ready to really get immersed in it.

Most of the questions I have or the things that I want to talk about are always addressed somewhere; I know I’ll be able to find them when I need them. And even if the exact call I’m listening to doesn’t have it, there's always a snippet of information that ends up proving useful or something that I learn that I wasn't expecting to learn.

I love that, because I don’t have to be live for it to be valuable.

Katie: I love hearing that, because I did that on purpose. I love hearing that it works!



If You’re Drawn to LIBBY, There’s a Reason…

Katie: Are there any parting words you would like to share?

Kristina: I would say to anybody that's reading who might be on the fence—or anyone who wants to join, but they’re doubting themselves and whether starting a bookkeeping business is right for them—I think that if it's on your heart, there's a reason it's on your heart.

Take the chance. Because if you don't take the chance, you're always going to wonder what if. What do you have to lose by just going for it?



Website: www.franklynnaccounting.com 



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/franklynnaccounting/ 



Want a peek behind the curtain into LIBBY, my program all about what it really takes to have a simple and scalable (and successful) bookkeeping business? Get access to my free, on-demand four-part series, 6 Secrets to a Simple, Scalable Bookkeeping Business: www.katieferro.com/6-secrets

Learn how to take your bookkeeping skills and turn them into a business that allows you to replace (or surpass) your corporate salary, be present for your life, and profoundly impact your clients without selling your life in the process by joining Life by the Books (LIBBY).  

Need to boost your bookkeeping basics? Join BABs now: https://www.katieferro.com/become 



Website: https://www.katieferro.com/

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